1. Rather than trying to tie up all the uncertainties and challenges your hearers are facing into a neat little bow, you acknowledge the difficulties they face...even after the resurrection.
  2. Their interest in the one who had been raised turned to the One who did the raising. And meeting Jesus did not leave them unaffected.
  3. When we change the subject too quickly from the ugliness of the cross to its beauty, or from suffering to glory, problems arise.
  4. When we recognize the reality of our insignificance as individuals and as a human race, we begin to marvel and cherish this grace of God more fully.
  5. Belief in Jesus is no longer a given. Today, we need to make a case. Today, we must give an account.
  6. God’s Spirit, the Paraclete, works through the promises spoken by God’s people. Through those promises, He leads people to look for the Lord’s salvation.
  7. But miraculous as was Mary's faith and as extraordinary as was the manner of His conception, it is the identity and work of the boy which makes Him so significant, especially for your hearers.
  8. This Sunday offers you the opportunity to speak a word which exposes, enlightens, and ultimately enlivens your hearers as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.
  9. Mark reminds us in this text that John was a redirection specialist. Come to think of it, so are you.
  10. As we do our part in the mission of our Master, we join with all believers to keep a constant and uninterrupted vigil until the great day of His return.
  11. Grace is God’s caring disposition toward His human creatures. And it is shown fully and purely in the work of Jesus for us.
  12. Today, Jesus' road to Jerusalem turns into your congregation. He calls you and your hearers to follow Him all the way home.

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