1. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price take a look at 1 Corinthians 15:12-34. This passage addresses the core of Christian faith – the resurrection of Christ and its implications.
  2. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows discuss the idea of orthodoxy. What does it mean to be orthodox or to have an orthodox faith?
  3. Craig and Troy finish up the short series on offenses given and received. Today they look at the offense of false teaching, and how the church should respond to it.
  4. Today on the show, we remember Johannes Trithemius and the intersection of theology, astrology, and the occult.
  5. How I Met Your Other Mother. In this episode, we discuss Tertullian on Heresies, especially the relationship of philosophy to theology, and how to pastorally address heresies past and present.
  6. We cannot overstate that no person outside the Bible has been as influential to Christian theology as Augustine.
  7. Origen is wrong about stuff, but he had the foresight to say that if he was wrong, he was open to correction.
  8. Just like we end up walking in circles when lost with no navigation instruments, so does humankind outside of Christ. Nothing has changed since the Reformation. People still suck and God still loves.
  9. Don't glue boards together and don't drink the Kool-Aid. Craig and Troy describe why both of those make for bad Christological heresies. We trust in the true Christ who is fully God and fully man, given for us.

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