1. The theology is obvious: God is in control—so much so, that He can even use evil to accomplish His purposes.
  2. The question the pericope begs us to contemplate is not whether the heart trusts or believes, but rather, what does the heart trust and believe in.
  3. Isaiah finds himself in the presence of the living God—the Holy One. This is a terrifying situation because Isaiah knows full well that the unholy cannot endure the presence of the Holy.
  4. The LORD cleanses, prepares, and fills the mouths of His prophets, so they might be able to proclaim the holy Word of the LORD.
  5. Thus, the people weep and mourn, but they are told to cease with their mourning and rejoice and celebrate as a festival without worry or care, for the day is holy to the LORD who is their refuge and strength.
  6. God created mankind to be His bride and now, in Christ Jesus, the Church of God is the bride of Christ.
  7. This Epiphany text brings the coming of the Light and the Light shining in the darkness drawing all men to it together.
  8. Even though it may appear otherwise, the LORD has power over all things, Heaven and Earth, and He has and will use that power to save His people.
  9. Christ is not only the fulfillment of the prophetic line, but He is also the NEW Moses.
  10. Jonah rejected his first call and job description and headed in the opposite direction . Now, after spending three days in the belly of the big fish, Jonah is called again.
  11. Samuel plays a very important role in preserving the line of Judah by anointing and instructing the first kings of the united monarchy—especially King David.
  12. Christ has come to make all things new, and water and the Spirit are used for His new creation just as it was for the original.

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