1. Adiaphora is a theological term that means "indifference." It typically refers to practices that are neither commanded nor forbidden by God in Scripture.
  2. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows discuss the idea of orthodoxy. What does it mean to be orthodox or to have an orthodox faith?
  3. Caleb and Scott read through the first several articles of the Smalcald Articles.
  4. On this episode, Caleb and Scott complete their comments on the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  5. Caleb, Scott, and Rod walk through the Apostles Creed and Luther’s explanations.
  6. Caleb, Scott, and Rod discuss the the context and introduction to Luther’s Small Catechism.
  7. Caleb and Scott begin the series on the Lutheran Confessions.
  8. The Thinking Fellows record a live podcast every year at the Here We Still Stand conference.
  9. The historic creeds are brief summations of Scriptural truth. Their use has been to combat heresy by gifting the words of faith and crediting Christ alone for salvation.
  10. Scott and Caleb Keith are joined by their friend Debi Winrich to discuss her new podcast on the Apostles Creed.
  11. Where once we confessed reliance only in ourselves and our own power, now we confess reliance on Christ alone. So, for our relationship before God, our confession of faith matters.

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