1. Dr. Paulson has one more Christmas story from Luther to share.
  2. Jesus’s freedom is different. It isn’t meant to indicate that the moorings which tether men and women to what is true, beautiful, and holy are unfastened, liberating them to do anything they please.
  3. Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted
  4. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen attempt to define 2 separate terms: Christian freedom and American freedom.
  5. The story of Juneteenth is one of living between proclamation and emancipation, and the story of the Christian faith is one of living in that same tension.
  6. Only when we’re ready to accept the impossibility of human perfection can we move beyond the paralyzing myth that we are capable of anything good apart from Christ.
  7. In Christ, we live beneath an open heaven having the definitive proof in the cross of Christ that God is outrageously for us, not against us.
  8. In this episode, Paulson discusses the differences between humanist and scholastic dialoge on the limits of freedom.
  9. I can look at all of my failings and foolishness because I know who Christ is for me. I rest in his wisdom and life not my own.

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