1. In this episode, Paulson continues to talk about Psalm 73 and man's will as a donkey.
  2. In this episode, Dr. Paulson outlines Luther's assertion that the human creature is a beast of burden. Paulson talks about what it means to be a servile donkey. Who is the donkey's master?
  3. In the first Outside Ourselves episode, Kelsi chats with author, David Zahl, about his newest book, Low Anthropology.
  4. The only solution to free will is the announcement from a preacher that the Father forgives us for Christ's sake.
  5. In this episode, Paulson identifies Erasmus participating in a futile effort he calls sausage making.
  6. Dr. Paulson explores another violent metaphor from Luther, the arrow of conviction.
  7. In the last episode of Outlaw God, Dr. Paulson gave an overview of Judas and his betrayal of Jesus.
  8. Dr. Paulson highlights the problem of necessity as it relates to the betrayal of Jesus.
  9. Dr. Paulson discusses the difficulty of waiting on God's promises.
  10. Erasmus sought to find meaning behind the words of Scripture in order to make an ultimate claim. Luther, on the other hand, found the Gospel to be meaningless outside of Christ and his Cross.
  11. Luther understood when the Word of God came it did not offer sinners a choice.
  12. For Luther, Erasmus’ Christ-less, Spirit-less theological conclusions demonstrated that behind his supposed humanistic optimism lay a profound despair and pessimism.

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