1. The needs of the people remain the same, but now the people are you and me. We still sin, and that sin causes so many challenges in our lives.
  2. It’s scary to share my struggle and to show that I have cracks because once I’ve shown my cards, I open myself up for judgment.
  3. Let us not recoil at the sight and sound of the crucifixion. It is the battlefield of victory. It is the throne of the King. It is the symbol of salvation.
  4. Christ our Word, as with a two-edged sword, burst the devil's belly.
  5. To say that whoever loves has been born of God is also to say that those who are born of God are recipients of love. They do not have God because they love but because they are loved.
  6. Judas, Peter, and you are all betrayers of Jesus, and yet He does the work necessary to forgive your sins.
  7. On Good Friday, poetic justice is satisfied. Poetic mercy is all which remains.
  8. Out there the instincts to protect yourself from embarrassment, ridicule, and rejection can easily overcome you as they did Peter. Our only hope is in Peter’s Lord.
  9. What grace is this? It’s grace from Christ, who often seizes us when we least expect it, even through the hands of His enemies.

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