1. I thought we had something, but then you do and pull this. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Iranaeus on free will and predestination. What part do Christians play in their salvation? Do we choose to sin? Who goes to hell?
  2. Just Think of This As a Friendly Test That Could Get You Thrown into Hell, Or Not... Your Choice. Why do we demand that the choice be ours as regards our salvation or damnation? How does the doctrine of free will result in us hating God and each other? What about the influence of free will and predestination on popular culture?
  3. The Only Wrong Choice Is to Not Make a Choice... Where does the belief in free will originate? Is free will a biblical doctrine? How does Justin’s teaching on free will and salvation still influence the church and western culture today?
  4. Dear Rome... Yeah, It’s Probably For The Best That We Never See Each Other Again. This week, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Ulrich Zwingli’s 67 Theses defending the theological reforms in Zurich. Zwingli is provocative, sometimes hyperbolic, but driven by a zeal for the reformation doctrine of Christ alone for the salvation of sinners apart from their works.
  5. Your Theology Is Creating A Nice Little Climate of Panic! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue their reading of Gerhard Forde’s “On Being a Theologian of The Cross.” This week, they discuss the two ways of being a theologian and the consequences for daily life.
  6. You'd think that killing people would make them like you? This week, in preparation for the HWSS Conference, Gillespie and Riley jump into On Being a Theologian of the Cross, by Gerhard Forde. Why did Luther say, "The cross alone is our theology" and what are the consequences for Christians in every generation?