1. The resurrection of Jesus encompasses the total and comprehensive glorification of a human being, not merely his restoration.
  2. Christ Jesus brings his word and presence to where you are and he is even willing to do so through the likes of your personally present pastor.
  3. God's faithfulness is constant and consistent. It knows no season. His love for us doesn't fade with the summer sun.
  4. What I desperately needed was not to preach to myself, but to listen to a preacher—not to take myself in hand, but to be taken in the hands of the Almighty.
  5. God is the end of living, the destination, the point of it all.
  6. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price delve into the profound teachings of John 6:22-59. This passage presents Jesus' discourse on the Bread of Life, where He declares, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."
  7. Honey, Where Did This Thing Come From? In this episode, we discuss the Lord’s Supper, early church tradition, worship, and the question, “Where did this come from?” At the same time, we read Dr. Norman Nagel’s essay, “Medicine of Immortality and Antidote against Death.”
  8. In the sacrament, we receive an earnest of that future promise here and now in the body and blood of Jesus given and shed for us.
  9. Although Jesus bodily ascended and is hidden from our earthly eyes, he is not far off.
  10. Maundy Thursday is your big night. For the Passover Lamb is given for you, given to you.

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