1. The seventh episode of the History of The Reformation brings the Fellows to a challenging time in Lutheran history.
  2. This episode of the Thinking Fellows opens to the peasants revolt and the radical reform of Thomas Müntzer. To round out the show the Conversation moves to the Bondage of the Will and the begining of Luther’s family life.
  3. In honor of the anniversary of Philip Melanchthon’s Birthday, the following is an excerpt from Meeting Melanchthon written by Scott Keith (1517 Publishing, 2017).
  4. In 1521, the Pope issued an official decree known as bull against Luther. The Bull declared Luther’s writings as heresy and demanded he recant.
  5. The Thinking Fellows continue outlining the events of the Reformation by following Luther’s move from the monastery to the university.
  6. The Fellows begin a new series outlining the history of the Reformation. The first episode features a thorough description of the Middle Ages followed by the initial struggles of Luther.
  7. Live from Here We Still Stand 2018 the Thinking Fellows recorded a special episode with Jim Nestingen and Steve Paulson.
  8. The Heidelberg Disputation represents the first time that Reformational theology emerges as a whole.
  9. Over the summer listeners sent in many important questions. Today the fellows answer questions about assurance and Lutheran history.
  10. The regular hosts are reunited after a summer of teaching and travel. In preparation for the Here We Still Stand Conference the hosts visit some of the theological errors that pushed Luther toward the cross.
  11. Due to a listener request, Caleb and Dr. Keith dive into the Theology of the Cross via Forde's On Being a Theologian of the Cross.

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