1. The Fellows begin a new series outlining the history of the Reformation. The first episode features a thorough description of the Middle Ages followed by the initial struggles of Luther.
  2. The Heidelberg Disputation represents the first time that Reformational theology emerges as a whole.
  3. Over the summer listeners sent in many important questions. Today the fellows answer questions about assurance and Lutheran history.
  4. The regular hosts are reunited after a summer of teaching and travel. In preparation for the Here We Still Stand Conference the hosts visit some of the theological errors that pushed Luther toward the cross.
  5. The Fellows approach the latest set of listener questions. This time, we have questions about Lutheran history, baptism, and apostasy.
  6. As the last confession in the Book of Concord, the Formula of Concord strove to unite a Lutherans around a standard set of answers regarding doctrinal controversy.
  7. The Small Catechism was a tool for pastors and families to learn the essential doctrine of the Chrisitan faith.
  8. Today, we are spending another episode defining terms used throughout the show over the last two years. This episode is meant to be a big thank you to all of our listeners and supporters.
  9. What is it to be an heir of the Reformation? It is to look outward to Christ bleeding and dying on the cross as Great Rescuer of sinners—of me.
  10. The Reformation was impacted by forces outside the Church including the impending threat of Islam.
  11. "What Drove Luther's Hammer" is a look behind the curtain of Martin Luther's reasons for reform.

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