TOPIC INDEXReformation Doctrine (19)
  1. Everyone is living as a naked sufferer who’s been duped into believing that the nakedness of suffering has to be covered up.
  2. Perhaps the most poisonous venom to afflict the gospel is the notion of "balancing" grace.
  3. The salvation of wretched sinners by an omni-holy and forever-righteous God is, by all accounts, a categorical impossibility.
  4. At times, evangelical Christianity can be a paradox. For as much as Protestants have spurned Roman Catholicism, they’re much more Catholic than they’d ever like to admit.
  5. I believe it’s no small charge to assert that there’s a massive problem in the majority of America’s pulpits.
  6. One of my favorite shows in recent memory is the American law enforcement drama Law & Order.
  7. Among the things that perturb me about modern Christianity is our residual clinging to a sort of “Christian-karma.”