1. The Church follows the admonition to “love your neighbor” because it is their identity in Christ Jesus.
  2. God does not just allow suffering; He sends it in order that He might strengthen and deliver us. And all of our suffering finds its meaning in the suffering of Christ Jesus.
  3. Israel is all the people who believe in the LORD and gather at His throne. It is no longer a national distinction, it is one of faith.
  4. Yes, Christ has come and delivered us, but He will come again in glory to judge the world in righteousness and the people with equity.
  5. The biblical shepherd leads his sheep. He provides for their needs. He protects them from enemies, and he does not leave his sheep unattended.
  6. The Light of the LORD, Jesus Christ, has risen upon us and set us apart as the chosen people of God.
  7. God has created perfectly. God is in the house and all is right with the world!