1. It is not just a few words or a few questions coming at Jesus like a few drops of rain. It is the force of a people ready to revolt.
  2. Is ‘just as I am’ really good enough? Our answer has to be a nuanced “Yes and No.”
  3. The parable makes obvious what is rarely apparent: God is the absolute Lord of all, and human rebellion is both wicked and futile.
  4. To manipulate God with our questions is, ultimately, to try and get ourselves off the hook and/or God off the throne.
  5. Jesus called Peter to be a fisher of men so more people would be caught up in God’s gracious love through Jesus. But Peter needs to remember he is also one who needs to be caught-up in the same grace.
  6. When we are not running ahead of Jesus, we might be in a better position to see Jesus: Crucified and risen for sinners, among whom I am the chief.
  7. The same Word which stepped out of eternity into created time in order to speak light and life into creation when all was void and formless, that same Word still speaks.
  8. We cannot use Jesus to defeat our problems, but as Jesus embraces us, we discover (almost incidentally) we have been relieved of our burdens.
  9. This parable does its surprising work of turning everything upside-down, as Christ’s Kingdom always does.
  10. The Kingdom will be manifest when the King wills it, and rest assured, He is a good King.
  11. Jesus cares about the daily details of ordinary bodies and creaturely comforts, just as He cares about the eternal well-being of our souls.
  12. On the one hand, forgiving as Jesus commands us feels impossible. But on the other hand, forgiving as we have been forgiven is the most natural thing in the world

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