1. Through His Word, Jesus is fashioning and forming us to be His disciples who follow Him. It is important on this first Sunday after Pentecost that we remember to put worship (sabbath) first.
  2. We look on the face of God in Christ and rejoice on account of His shed blood and righteousness which sets us free to be the people of God.
  3. “Can these bones live?” God asks Ezekiel, challenging the prophet and all who have ever looked into the face of death, and calling for a response.
  4. The tree of Calvary gives life which is seen in Jesus resurrected from the dead. Blessed are those who find their life and rest in Him.
  5. During the Easter season, our redemption as Christians is proof that God, in Christ alone, is all our righteousness and strength.
  6. Every Psalm is about adoration in Christ. This psalm, with its resounding, all-encompassing call to praise, forms a glorious doxology for our Easter preaching.
  7. All the flock rejects this lamb, except the shepherd. A good shepherd, when they see this happening, takes the little lamb from the flock and holds it in their arms.
  8. Psalm 4 lived through the lives of those first witnesses to the resurrection helps us to share in their personal feelings as they experience the Easter account.
  9. Psalm 148 turns our focus back to the giver of all good things, God Himself, and the greatest gift He has intentionally given for all creation, the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord
  10. This Easter season will be a journey that leads us from fear, through faith, to freedom.
  11. The prophet is clear that this coming King would be different from the common experience of kings, both in Israel and among all the kings of the earth.
  12. God has chosen to covenant with us, to forgive us, and not hold our sins and trespasses against us. He has changed His attitude towards us.

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