1. We don’t start with behavior and work toward Christ. We start with Christ and everything works out from there.
  2. “There is no obedience that does not have its eyes on either God or neighbor. An obedience that is motivated by what we will get out of it is no obedience at all.”
  3. Can there be joy in obedience? That depends on if obedience if a free choice or the result of threats.
  4. The only obedient son is shunned so that the disobedient one may return. Why? Because God loves sinners. He doesn’t leave them alone.
  5. Whatever we call “god,” how we act out our “religion,” what we call “living,” if its name isn’t Jesus, it’s a sham.
  6. When we focus on God's self-giving Word, when we turn our attention to Golgotha, we are shown a wholly different way of viewing the Commandments.
  7. Some have built an entire theology on the false assumption that when God commands us to obey or believe, we have the ability to obey or believe.
  8. The idea is that Jesus has called His church to make disciples, and since the church doesn’t look much like the One they are following, the people need to be changed.
  9. Week after week, I read through this women’s Bible study for the sake of my friends.
  10. In the twinkling of that eye the perishable will become imperishable, and our bodies will be changed and become more glorious than we ever could have imagined.
  11. My best teacher, the instructor who taught me more theology than any other, has been the devil.