1. Their interest in the one who had been raised turned to the One who did the raising. And meeting Jesus did not leave them unaffected.
  2. Jesus is coronated on the Cross. It would be from Golgotha where Jesus will reign over the kingdoms of the earth.
  3. When we change the subject too quickly from the ugliness of the cross to its beauty, or from suffering to glory, problems arise.
  4. The fact of Jesus being the greatest of all priests in the greatest of all orders of priesthood, means He is the consummate pastor for those in need of a powerful and availing shepherd.
  5. When we recognize the reality of our insignificance as individuals and as a human race, we begin to marvel and cherish this grace of God more fully.
  6. The Gospel is so clear, so simple, so pure in these verses that it is well worth heralding as is, without comment.

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