TOPIC INDEXJustification (21)
  1. Sometimes our resistence to forgiveness is that we are attempting to give Christ-less grace.
  2. In this episode with Mike Cosper, we talk about grace and virtue. How do we "pursue virtue" and not let go of grace? We discuss the difference between self introspection by checking our own fruit, and confessing our sins.
  3. Every part of Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene in John 20 was incredibly intentional and personal for God to systematically redeem what was lost.
  4. I finally watched the film “Encanto” with my kids. I had heard many people say the subtext of this movie was deeper than most. So, we snuggled up on the couch and watched it to see what everyone was talking about.
  5. In this episode we introduce the topic of gender in regard to justification and sanctification. In other words, women aren't saved any differently than men. It was revolutionary back in New Testament times and in some circumstances, it's still revolutionary today.
  6. We are discussing "I can do all things through Christ" in context of the rest of the passage, and then we discuss the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac (rather... not sacrificing him) and whether or not Christians are called to sacrifice. Is that what this passage is talking about?
  7. We had 2 different listeners ask us: what does mortification of sin, also known as mortification of the flesh look like? In this episode, we talk about where this term came from, and what it means.
  8. It's easy to look at our faith through an emotional lens. Are you on an emotional high, or an emotional low? Are you on a mountaintop, or are things silent in the valley? What happens to your faith when you aren't "feeling it."
  9. What God created, God will grow. We don’t add a few stitches onto his creation.
  10. "Ragged" written by Gretchen Ronnevik is now available for purchase from 1517 Publishing
  11. Yes, Adam and Eve both participated in sin. This was a joint effort of the two genders of mankind. They are both sinners. But the first sin wasn't letting the serpent in the garden.
  12. In our transactional view of our faith - “If I don’t… then God won’t.” “I need to, so God can” - we are seriously underestimating who we are dealing with.

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