1. Proper preaching of good works is never for our encouragement.
  2. The goal of Christian living isn't to gather in and store up two, three, four barn-fulls of good works for ourselves.
  3. The truth is, a Christian's holiness is hidden outside himself in Christ through faith.
  4. Are our resolutions righteous? Is our commitment to self-improvement a selfless act motivated by love for the neighbor?
  5. Old Adam's works are good because he says they're good. End of conversation.
  6. One of the interesting things about Paul’s writings that is not noticed enough is that Paul doesn’t really have an “application” section.
  7. I am not one of those people who can put together a jigsaw puzzle without using the picture on the box.
  8. Lutherans can often be misunderstood as rejecting the existence or necessity of good works. On episode 14 the Thinking Fellows discuss why this common misconception is not true. Sit back, relax and grab a drink to find out why good works are a fruit of faith and not saving grace.
  9. “As if” Christians aren’t allowed to reflect; that they’re not kind, generous, brave, or loyal. They’re not living up to the example of biblical saints.
  10. We chase after status, wealth, luxury, glory, honor, youth, beauty, and pleasure. We work ourselves to death. For what?
  11. It's a January day in New York City and the building I work in is just off the water. What this means is that it's cold out and not just cold but cold with a biting wind. As the phrase goes, "you can feel it in your bones."

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