1. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price explore Matthew 18:21-35, a difficult parable shared by Jesus. We will examine the profound themes of forgiveness, mercy, and the importance of recognizing our own sinfulness.
  2. This is the Christian word: grace. Such grace is found only with this Lamb who is also our Shepherd.
  3. If we just say to God, “We don’t get it, please explain,” he will. He will send us a preacher to point us to his words for more clarification.
  4. The needs of the people remain the same, but now the people are you and me. We still sin, and that sin causes so many challenges in our lives.
  5. It’s scary to share my struggle and to show that I have cracks because once I’ve shown my cards, I open myself up for judgment.
  6. Unprompted, without any warning, for no reason at all, without any instigation say, "I love you." And that will wash over your parents like a beautiful absolution.
  7. Sometimes our resistence to forgiveness is that we are attempting to give Christ-less grace.
  8. "An apology is a promise to never do it again." In this episode we disucss this common phrase, and the differnece between a confession and an apology.
  9. God gives us the power and authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to burdened sinners who entrust us with their pain, guilt, and defeat.

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