Love and Forgiveness

Gretchen and Katie talk about love and forgiveness, particularly when it comes to marriage. They talk about what forgiveness does and doesn't do, and how forgivness enables us to be our honest selves with our spouse.

Gretchen and Katie talk about love and forgiveness, particularly when it comes to marriage. They talk about what forgiveness does and doesn't do, and how forgivness enables us to be our honest selves with our spouse.

Forgiveness is something that does not come from inside us, but from God himself. Forgiving is not saying what happened is ok--quite the opposite. It means when we forgive, we are pointing the other person to the work of Christ that is done on their behalf.

Sources cited:

Seculosity by David Zahl

"Grace for When You Can't Forgive" by Gretchen Ronnevik

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