1517 Blogcast
The Blood of Christ Does What? 00:00:0000:00:00

The Blood of Christ Does What?

Reading Time: 2 mins

Trusting in Christ’s shed blood also means that we serve the living God. We don’t trust in nothing. We don’t serve a fake god.

The blood of Christ. This is the New Testament. The blood of Christ purifies our conscience (Heb. 9:13-14). This means that we're not upset by memories of sin. Fear of death is quieted. Future punishment isn't on our radar. As the Psalmist says, "The righteous man isn't afraid of bad news. His heart remains secure, full of confidence in the Lord" (112:7). The blood of Christ does all this for us.

Will we be tried and tested? Yes. Will there be distress and trouble? Of course! No matter where we turn, we can't escape peoples' selfishness. We can't avoid people who worry about future judgment. And why shouldn't they worry? Sin, death, and hell are real. But, they can't hurt or harm us. The blood of Christ frees us from guilt over sin done in the past and future judgment.

The blood of Christ calms and comforts us. His blood washes and takes away our sin. There is not a law or an activity that will calm and comfort our conscience when guilt about sin and dread about future judgment attacks us. There's only the blood of Christ. Only His blood washes and takes away our sin. "This is," He says, "the blood that is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matt. 26:28; Luke 22:20).

Do we want a calm and quiet conscience? Trust that the blood of Christ washes and takes away our sin. If we have doubts, listen to His promises. Go to His table, eat and drink His blood "shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sin." Faith in His blood (Rom. 3:25) and what it does for us will calm and comfort us when we're tried and tested by sin, death, and hell.

If we have doubts, listen to His promises.

So pay attention to His execution. Pay attention to what the Gospels say about the blood pouring out of His side. Focus on what Jesus says, "My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me, and I live in them" (John 6:55-56). Trusting in His shed blood means we live in Christ and He lives in us.

Trusting in Christ's shed blood also means that we serve the living God. We don't trust in nothing. We don't serve a fake god. Sure, we're selfish. We give ourselves away to people who corrupt us. We give in to things that destroy us. We're not blameless. We're disobedient. We're slaves to feeling good and being good enough. We're jealous. Hateful. But, when the goodness and kindness of Savior God showed up, He saved us by the shedding of His blood.

Trusting in Christ’s shed blood also means that we serve the living God. We don’t trust in nothing. We don’t serve a fake god.

Jesus did this for us. He sacrificed Himself for us to show us He's faithful, loving, and kind. He won't remember our sin anymore. He doesn't want to judge us. He wants us to enjoy a quiet, peaceful, joyful conscience. That's what the blood of Christ does for us. That's the New Testament.

The blood of bulls and goats can't calm and comfort us. No sacrifice will ever subdue our guilt. An offering of our time, money, and talents won't put off God's judgment for even a second. We can put our sacrifices on the altar. They won't do us any good. God doesn't want our sacrifices, bloody or otherwise.

The blood of Christ is enough. It washes and takes away our sin. It gives us a new shot at life, free from guilt about sin and future judgment. Trust in the blood of Christ because we live in Him and He lives in us.