How Jesus Fortifies Us Against False Prophets

Reading Time: 4 mins

In the tumultuous sea of information, opinions, and ideologies that break over us each day, we hold fast to the anchor of our faith—Jesus, the true prophet.

False prophets, as always, are the crafty charlatans of our times. They come in all shapes and sizes, wearing sheep's clothing while hiding their ravenous hunger for power and deceit. They cozy up to the vulnerable, offering tantalizing lies that promise worldly gain and fleeting pleasure. They talk the talk, but their walk leads straight into the pits of despair and damnation.  

These wolves in sheep's clothing seep into our culture like toxic sludge. They peddle their distorted ideologies, enticing us with promises of self-fulfillment and enlightenment. They feed on our insecurities, exploiting our deepest desires for success, happiness, and acceptance. From the corporate media to social media, they permeate every corner, whispering sweet nothings that lead us astray.  

Cultural false prophets are easily recognizable, claiming to speak for, and stand in the place of, Jesus Christ. But in the churches, they’re sometimes more difficult to expose because they slither in when no one is watching. These false prophets wear clerical collars, spouting twisted interpretations of the Gospel. They twist Scripture to fit their own agendas, sowing seeds of division and confusion among the faithful. They prey on the vulnerable, leading them away from the true path of Christ and into the wilderness of heresy.  

But the Bible leaves no room for equivocation on the consequences of listening to false prophets. God’s Word sounds a wake-up call to all of us. In Matthew's own words, Jesus warns us that these deceivers will be cast out like withering branches and will face the fiery judgment of God. Their grand illusions will crumble like a house of cards when the truth comes knocking at their doors.  

When we listen to the good news about Jesus Christ, it’s not difficult for us to turn away from the deceivers because we find comfort and confidence in our relationship with Jesus.

So we must be vigilant and refuse to entertain these false prophets. We must stand firm on the bedrock of God's Word and the unwavering truth of the Gospel. When we listen to the good news about Jesus Christ, it’s not difficult for us to turn away from the deceivers because we find comfort and confidence in our relationship with Jesus, the God who chooses us to be in communion and fellowship with us.  

With Jesus we are liberated from our childish hope in false promises and worldly cravings. Our souls are given solace in the arms of grace, where we are loved and forgiven unconditionally. Jesus, the true prophet, shows us the way to genuine fulfillment, not through empty lies, but through a relationship with the Savior of the universe.  

When we walk with Christ, the burdens of this world fall away. We are no longer slaves to the shifting sands of culture, but heirs to an eternal inheritance. We are assured by the promise of God's love, knowing that we are chosen, not by our own merit, but by the boundless grace of our Lord.  

And so we pray for discernment because false prophets prowl around like hungry lions, seeking to devour souls. We cling to Jesus and anchor our faith in the rock-solid foundation of his grace and mercy. In him, we find comfort and confidence, knowing that we are chosen, redeemed, and dearly loved by the One who walks with us through the valleys and leads us to the eternal feast of his presence.  

Yes, we pray for discernment, because the world is a treacherous place and the false prophets lurk around every corner, ready to pounce like hungry lions on unsuspecting souls. But we have nothing to fear from them so long as we have the truth at our side—the truth that sets us free from the snares of their deceptions. 

In the tumultuous sea of information, opinions, and ideologies that break over us each day, we hold fast to the anchor of our faith—Jesus, the true prophet. He is the North Star that guides us through the darkest nights, the lighthouse that steers us away from the treacherous rocks of falsehood. In him, we find comfort amidst the storms of life, because he is the One who calms the raging waters of this old, dying world and brings peace to our troubled hearts.   

So pay attention. Be mindful of the treasure that God has given to us, which is our faith. We shouldn’t let it be taken from us without a fight. Instead, ask, “Are there areas where I have been tempted to listen to the whispers of false prophets?” “Have I allowed the enticements of this world to distract me from the truth of the Gospel?” “Do I humbly examine myself and cling to the work of the Holy Spirit so that he may lead me on the path of righteousness?” “Do I naively believe that I’m beyond temptation? I don’t need to hear and study God’s Word. I can resist and defeat false prophets on my own because I’m such a strong, good-hearted Christian?”

It’s only with Jesus that we find not just comfort, but confidence. Confidence that we are chosen, not because of our own merit, but because of his abounding grace. Confidence that we are redeemed, not by our own works, but by his sacrificial love on the cross. Confidence that we are dearly loved, not by the shifting opinions of this world, but by the unchanging heart of our Savior. 

It’s only with Jesus that we find not just comfort, but confidence.

And when we encounter false prophets, don’t be discouraged, frustrated, or afraid. We know that the battle has already been won. Jesus, the true prophet, has conquered sin and death, and he reigns victorious. The false prophets may shout their lies from the mountaintops, but their voices are but whispers in the presence of the One who defeated sin, death, and hell for us.  

So we stand tall, like soldiers of the truth, unshaken by the waves of deception. We hold fast to Jesus and never let go of his guiding hand, because in him, we find the ultimate comfort and confidence, and in him, we discover the eternal feast of His presence—a feast that satisfies the deepest hunger of our souls. 

False prophets come and go, but our lives are a testament to the power of the true prophet, who chose us, redeemed us, and leads us on the path of everlasting life. Aware that false prophets will come when we least expect it, we continue to pray for the discernment and wisdom to recognize false prophets when they show up while simultaneously embracing the true prophet who will never take advantage of us, never lie to us, and never lead us astray, Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.