1. But another possible translation for the Greek word we translate as ‘overcome’ and one maybe more consistent with the context is ‘comprehend.’
  2. Even now we sing as we live in His gifts, and await His second Advent—His second-coming.
  3. What comes to us at Christmas is not a great seasonal bargain to enhance our happy holidays. It is the priceless gift of God’s Son.
  4. God graciously bursts our foolish plots by coming our way, into our very flesh, and being God with us.
  5. On episode THIRTY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! Mike and Wade fly duo to talk about “Worship” or “Divine Service” or Gottesdienst or whatever you might call it.
  6. On episode TWENTY-NINE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome back Rev. Dr. Mark Braun.
  7. Whether one believes Jesus to be God or not, His words and actions proclaim that He did not come to be served but to serve.
  8. I once heard an old, retired Lutheran professor give in interview on a podcast. He was asked by the interviewer why people should bother going to church if they could just be saved through a personal relationship with Jesus?
  9. Music is an inherent part of our humanity as image-bearers of God. And like all gifts, it is meant for the good of the receiver.
  10. We are continuing our summer series on a theology of worship through the lens of language. Before moving forward, let me highlight a few points by way of review.
  11. Like any language, the liturgy has syntax—a structure that provides order and intelligibly communicates meaning through all that is said.

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