1. Distinct, But Not Divided. In this episode, we discuss the Christian doctrine of the two kingdoms and its consequences for the Christian life while reading James Nestigen's "The Two Kingdoms Distinction."
  2. A shelter from pigs on the wing... In this episode, how do Christians interface with a godless state, love our neighbors without being complicit in promoting sin, and maintain the tension between the two kingdoms?
  3. You Know Who Else Misunderstood The Kingdom of God? Hitler! In this episode, we read Herman Sasse’s 1930 essay on The Social Doctrine of the Augsburg Confession and its Significance for the Present. We discuss the two kingdoms doctrine, peoples’ station in life, and the need for public discussions of natural law.
  4. We vote because we are citizens, and it is our duty. We serve our neighbors in love because it is our Christian calling.
  5. We're not called to be obedient consumers. We're free in Christ to love and serve our neighbor according to his need
  6. Justice and love are united in God, and we see this most clearly in Jesus on the cross. There, both God's hatred toward sin and compassion for the world come together.
  7. We are caught up in a battle between two kings and two kingdoms. And, whether we like it or not, we are ruled by one king or the other.