1. Godly, upright in heart, righteous. Sinful, sorrowful, wasting away.
  2. It can all seem so unfair. The wicked prosper and the ones who look to God seem to suffer the most.
  3. Psalm 60 is a lament that begins with a harsh and bitter accusation, namely that God has rejected us. David complains about rejection, loss, national tragedy and
  4. There were pictures of her bathed in the sun of South Padre, sand between her toes, arm-in-arm with beautiful friends
  5. For since it was not enough that the Lord of heaven and earth hung on our every word, the Word came down from heaven and hung upon the cross.
  6. He holds you tight and loves you even as you weep and fight in his arms. His Son suffers alongside you as your brother in the flesh.
  7. Rather than praying a lie by pretending all is well, this psalm places upon our lips a truthful plea. A godly complaint. These are God’s words, given as gifts to you, by which you can speak back to him.
  8. Every year, when this day rolls around, I turn over the stones of remembrance that litter my mind, to see what lurks beneath.
  9. The details vary, of course, but we too struggle to repair the heart broken by the tragic death of someone we love. We're dazed, angry, speechless.
  10. On that day the mourners were shocked to discover that behind the veneer of her bright smile lurked a fathomless darkness, whose depths she made manifest only when she despaired of life in this world.