1. Satan Drives Out Satan? In this episode, we dig deep into Jesus’ question, Can Satan drive out Satan? With the help of Rene Gerard’s book, I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightening. This episode goes into some extremely deep waters regarding the mimetic tradition, the nature of sacrifice, scapegoating, Satan’s power, and Jesus’ crucifixion.
  2. The true liberty that Christ gives to us through the gospel is not political. It is spiritual freedom. It is freedom from fear of God's judgment and wrath.
  3. Jesus overcame sin, death, and Satan on the cross. His bloody suffering and death marked this sinful world's defeat.
  4. Apart from God's word, we will judge the right to be wrong and evil people as good.
  5. This is Almost As Offensive as The Gospel. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. In this episode, Riley combines chocolate covered espresso beans with mushroom coffee, one of us offends everyone, and our quarantine fever takes over the conversation. It’s a wild, scattershot episode with tongue planted firmly in cheek. And the worst offenses are in the post-show.
  6. The whole world's sin, the crushing horror of death's power, and even hell itself were unleashed on that hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was executed.
  7. The devil isn’t a popular subject nowadays. The argument is made that we’ve progressed as a culture.
  8. Satan cannot stand the Gospel, and so he goes to work to undermine and render God’s Word an impotent and absurd message.