1. The invisible world is present though we often aren’t as conscious of it.
  2. None of us can enter the Kingdom of God based on our righteousness. Whether we realize it at the time, we are being carried through this life by our loving Savior.
  3. Chad explains the context and background of Psalm 52 and explores the destructive power of the tongue. The Psalm.
  4. This is the fifth installment in our special series on Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation. Translation of Theses 9 and 10 by Caleb Keith.
  5. God in Jesus takes off your shirt of shame, your bitterness, your anger, your guilt, your hopelessness, and drapes these rags on himself.
  6. We fly away to the judgment seat of God. There we shall appear before the One who knows all, before whom nothing is hidden. Do you really think you can conceal anything from Him?
  7. But in that quest for thou shalts and thou shalt nots, you’ll miss what really matters. You’ll trample the cross while racing for the tablets of stone. From the tale of Achan's theft, you’ll rob yourself of Jesus.