1. Jesus’ death was a direct fulfillment of the will of His Father as promised in the Scriptures.
  2. Jesus was praying a Psalm. Psalm 22 to be precise, and both the Gospels of Matthew and Mark relay the story to us of Jesus praying that Psalm on the cross at the hour of His death.
  3. This Savior’s love for His church is no small thing. He gives up His own life so that she will live.
  4. Put to death by God's Word of Law, we are then raised to new life by God's Word of Gospel.
  5. This is the night from when all those nights receive their light. For this is the night when Christ, the Life arose from the dead.
  6. Have you ever wondered, of all the adjectives we could use to describe this day why in the world we chose the word “good?” Yeah, me too.
  7. If he was not flesh, who was hung on the cross? And if he was not God, who shook the earth from its foundations?
  8. That man you see on the tree—he is the re-Genesis of the world. He has come to remake us alive and free and beautiful on the Friday of his crucifixion.
  9. Thankfully, our heavenly Father sent a Champion into the game to take our place. What we failed to do, He accomplished.
  10. From creator to priest, our God now moves, from forming animals to slaying them, all so that His Adam and His Eve might remain truly His.

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