1. A new life in Christ Jesus is our hope. Not only that, Jesus is our access to God.
  2. We want to be kind, gentle, and cheerful to others, but we’ve got to protect ourselves from getting hurt.
  3. God is the only one who decides what we receive, when, and how it’s given to us.
  4. All God's fatherly goodness and mercy is concrete and real, born of a virgin, crucified for our trespasses, raised for our justification.
  5. When we get wrapped up in tying God down, when we worship and work in a way that seems good to each of us, it’s impossible to recognize God as loving Father and helpful Savior.
  6. Advent is the season when the Church declares to a world overwhelmed by excuses, lies, and cruelty that their Savior comes.
  7. Often, when we talk about the Old Testament, we talk about God's promises and work for his chosen people, Israel.
  8. God’s grace and freedom announces the truth to us about ourselves. We need a real Savior.
  9. Whenever I read the Genesis account of Abraham, I’m more impressed that he’s often a clumsy, mess of a man than that it’s “faith that’s accounted to him as righteousness.”
  10. God is for us in His foolish, scarred Word and Wisdom. Nothing is against us, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
  11. God goes to work on us through His Word like a woodcarver chisels a block of wood.
  12. And so we determine that God is a stern, short-tempered Lord and a gracious, long-suffering Father. And the fact is, He is both.

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