1. Character development? Change? Saying that it’s behind you? Yeah right. You’re just saying that because you want your nice polished image back. You haven’t changed. We know. We’ve got the receipts.
  2. How big can you build your cross? Or maybe that's not what Jesus wants from his followers. I guess you should listen to find out...
  3. Jesus continues to breathe His gifts on His beloved. He continues to breathe absolution upon sinners like me and you, He continues to fill us with the Holy Spirit and all His comfort.
  4. Both Hus and Luther arrived at the same conclusion: neither councils nor the pope had final authority in the church. Headship in the church belongs solely to Christ.
  5. As we stand before our Lord dead in our transgressions and guilt, Jesus pronounces His judgment upon us. He absolves us.
  6. In our search for absolution, human beings leave no stone unturned. We’re desperate to have our uneasy consciences soothed.
  7. Our words of proclamation from the pulpit not only bring repentance and comfort, enacting in our hearers an exchange of sinful identity for the identity of God’s child, but also the motivation and fuel for loving others.
  8. A Pharisee invites Jesus over for dinner and a prostitute shows up. How far does the forgiveness of Jesus go?

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