The Thinking Fellows is a 45 minute audio program published weekly across a host of podcasting platforms. It is hosted by Caleb Keith and Drs. Rod Rosenbladt, Scott Keith, and Adam Francisco. The Thinking Fellows shares the Gospel message by recording lay-level conversations about Christian doctrine, apologetics, and church history.
The Fellows discuss the doctrine of public ministry. The conversation focuses on why it is necessary for Christians to gather togteher as a church and call a pastor.
Caleb and Bruce have a conversation about the doctrine of the church. They work to define how the church is all those with faith in Christ and the gathering of individual believers whom God has called together in specific locations.
Scott, Adam, and Caleb discuss the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. During the ceremonies, an LGBTQ rendition of the Last Supper was acted out with transexuals and gay icons.
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Justification is famously called the article upon which the church stands or falls. It is the article upon which The Lutheran Reformation stood boldly and confessed the Scriptural truth that we are made right before God by grace through faith on account of Christ alone.
The Thinking Fellows introduce the doctrine of Christ. They discuss why topics like the two natures in Christ, the communication of attributes, and the co-equality of the trinity matter.