Finding Assurance

As they end their conversation on baptism, Gretchen and Katie talk about how it connects with assurance. They talk about fears people have in emphasizing the assurance we have in Christ.

As they end their conversation on baptism, Gretchen and Katie talk about how it connects with assurance. They talk about fears people have in emphasizing the assurance we have in Christ. 

Can you emphasize grace too much? Is the chance of being legalistic a necessary evil of holiness? How does assurance change us, free us, and how does that change how we live?

They talk about Jesus' story of the 2 brothers, how it's easy for people doing all the right things, and living moral lives to feel that if grace is given lavishly, then they somehow "missed out." They talk about forgiveness for the sin of self-righteousness and self-justification, and how exactly we remember our baptism daily.

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