Do Everything to the Glory of God

We are discussing 1 Corinthians 10:31, and what it means to do everything to the glory of God.

We are discussing 1 Corinthians 10:31, and what it means to do everything to the glory of God. This is where are series of Hobby Lobby verses collides with our vocation series, and we look at the context of where this verse comes from. What does it mean to do everything to the glory of God? Does it mean do our best, and make sure our works are worthy of how great God is?

We talk about the debate about meat sacrificed to idols, with a modern explanation, and what "glory" actually means. "Glory of God" is cross referenced in other New Testament verses to see that Jesus is the glory of God, and the weight of what he did for us is what frees us to serve and love our neighbors.

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