The Life Lived In Christ: A Conference on Christ and the Christian

A one day conference exploring what it means to be alive and free in Christ.

calendarEvent Date

May 15, 2021

07:00 AM


515, Western Avenue, River Bluff Estates, Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, 56537, United States

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About Event

Join us Saturday, May 15th at Good Shepherd Lutheran Brethren Church in Fergus Falls, MN for a one day event focused on the grace of God we find in Jesus Christ and what it means to live as people set free.

We will also be celebrating the release of "Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted" a new book by Gretchen Ronnevik. Everyone who registers will be receiving a copy at the event.


Mark Tungseth

Mark Tungseth

Scott Keith

Scott Keith

Scott Keith is the Executive Director of 1517. He is a co-host of The Thinking Fellows Podcast and a contributor to 1517 and Christ Hold Fast. He is also the author of "Being Dad: Father as a Picture of God’s Grace." He earned his doctorate from Foundation House Oxford, under the sponsorship of the Graduate Theological Foundation, studying under Dr. James A. Nestingen.

Luke Kjolhaug

Luke Kjolhaug

Luke Kjolhaug is the current pastor of Elim Lutheran Church in Osakis, MN. He is a husband, father, and mediocre basketball player. He also impersonates a theologian from time to time. Luke holds undergraduate degrees from Wheaton College and the University of Minnesota, and earned his MDiv. from Lutheran Brethren Seminary (Fergus Falls, MN). You can find him on YouTube at Foxhole Theology, where he is a founder and contributor.

Gretchen Ronnevik

Gretchen Ronnevik

Gretchen loves writing about rich theology rooted in real life. She is a mom to six kids that range in age from preschooler to teenager. She works as a homeschool mom, writer, and speaker. She’s the author of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted. She is also the co-host of the weekly podcast, "Freely Given." She enjoys knitting, reading many books at the same time, and embarrassing her teenagers in public. She and her husband, Knut, live in Minnesota on the family farm.

Daniel Emery Price

Daniel Emery Price

Daniel Emery Price is the 1517 Operations Executive. He is also an author, church and conference speaker, and co-host of the podcasts 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament. Daniel has served as a church planter, pastor and worship leader and currently lives in Northwest Arkansas, with his wife and two daughters.

Erick Sorensen

Erick Sorensen

Erick Sorensen is in charge of Church Partnerships in the Development Department at 1517.  His B.S. in Organizational Leadership is from Biola University, and his M.Div. is from Lutheran Brethren Seminary. Erick has served as a pastor in Fontana, California, Staten Island, New York and Roxbury, New Jersey. In 2015 he planted Epiphany Lutheran Church in New York City, New York. Erick is host of the  Law & Gospel Devotional, co-host of the 30 Minutes in the New Testament and Field Guide to the Bible podcasts, and is co-author of Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables.