1517 Blogcast
Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds, but Jesus Does 00:00:0000:00:00
Reading Time: 2 mins

Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds, but Jesus Does

Reading Time: 2 mins

Our past, present, and future receive healing from Jesus’ wounds.

We can't heal past wounds. The pain may ease, but the wounds are still open. They still bleed. We can bandage our wounds with food, alcohol, work, drugs, sex, cigarettes, gambling, and whatever feels good. But, the wounds still bleed. They bleed through and stain the bandages. They ooze through and stink up our whole life.

We can't heal past wounds. We don't have the strength. We can't stick our hands inside the pain. We can't pull out the pain that holds us in the past. We don't have the strength to pull out the pain and close the wound.

Past wounds ooze through and stink up our whole life, and so we act and react to people and events from our core wounds.

Past wounds are a terrible responsibility. They are a burden. They keep us on our heels. They force us to question our worth. They compel us to survive or quit. Past wounds ooze through and stink up our whole life, and so we act and react to people and events from our core wounds.

That's why time doesn't heal all wounds. Our pain isn't a seed that waits to become a beautiful flower. Touch them, ignore them, or bandage them, it doesn't matter what we do. It doesn't matter that we believe God will heal us. Hope for the future can't stop the bleeding. A life filled with love won't close the wounds.

We can be smart or stupid, a little crazy or stone sober and it won't change a thing. We can't pull out the pain that holds us in the past. We don't have the strength to pull out the pain and close the wound. That's why the prophet points us to the cross: "He was wounded for our rebellious acts. He was crushed for our sin. He was punished so that we could have peace, and we received healing from his wounds" (Is. 53:5).

We can't heal past wounds. But, we don't have to. We receive healing from Jesus' wounds: his nail-pierced hands and feet, his spear-pierced side, his blood given and shed for us.

Our whole life gushes from his wounds: the blood of salvation and the water of life. Our past, present, and future receive healing from Jesus' wounds. We go confident and unafraid through life because our whole life gushes from his wounds. Jesus is our strength. He's faithful. He doesn't quit when we rebel against him. When we're crushed and can't find any peace he doesn't pull away.

Our past, present, and future receive healing from Jesus’ wounds.

Jesus is our strength and confidence. With him, we don't have to be afraid. Instead, we are set free to sing a new song. We can sing the good news that "He was wounded for our rebellious acts. He was crushed for our sin. He was punished so that we could have peace, and we received healing from his wounds."