1. The one who embodies the dove, that is, the Holy Spirit will be mounted upon the staff of Calvary.
  2. Being the baptized just may be the last, great resistance.
  3. Justification and regeneration are, therefore, necessarily connected and have profound implications upon the craft of preaching.
  4. The new life Christ opened for us in His justifying resurrection, the new life into which we were baptized is a life of faith.
  5. Pentecost is the event which jolts the world into taking note that something entirely new is taking place.
  6. The lordship of sin and its reign have been deposed by Jesus Christ. Nothing can stand to oppose those who are in Him.
  7. If God was going to save the world, and reclaim His global kingdom, then the exiling, the confusion, the ignorance and scattering had to be ended. Pentecost signals this dramatic reversal in a spectacular way.