1. When surrounded by evil, it’s easy to think our doom is sure. How we can defend ourselves, how can we judge the wicked, especially when they seem so much smarter,stronger and more confident than us?
  2. Everyone is stained by sin. Who can stand before God? Who can dwell in His holy presence? Only the one who walks blamelessly.
  3. Christ in All of the Scriptures: Grace Upon Grace
  4. Various events
  5. God's Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary Men
  6. God's Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary Men
  7. God’s Scandalous Grace in the Old Testament
  8. I finally climbed all 109 mountains. My journey began out of desperation, fueled by anger, fear, resentment.
  9. If I were granted three wishes, one of them would not be to know what the future holds.
  10. We tell our children if they work hard and play by the rules, they’ll succeed in life. Jerks, cheaters, and thieves won’t. They’ll end up in the gutter. Or jail. Or worse.
  11. Jesus cuts right to the chase when it comes to the evil one. He calls the devil “a liar and the father of lies,”
  12. If I were the devil, I wouldn’t just entice believers to do bad things. We’re experts at that anyway.

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