1. What does it mean that we are saved by grace alone?
  2. Grace does not emancipate us from any requirement of obedience. Rather, grace allows Jesus to be obedient on our behalf that the righteous demands of the law can be fulfilled.
  3. The way through loneliness will lie in the blessing of solitude and the care of God.
  4. As we face our own struggles and successes, let us pray that we may be humble. Let us be grateful for whatever God has provided and not become arrogant in what we have or what we've lost.
  5. Into the suffocating prison of sorrow, God sends his Breath, his Holy Spirit to help us. We may suffer, but we will not be alone.
  6. Shame is shameful. That may seem obvious but ponder this observation from the authors of Scenes of Shame: “Shame, indeed, covers shame itself—it is shameful to express shame.”
  7. The prophet Jonah longed for one thing: to see the Assyrian city of Nineveh utterly destroyed by the wrath of God. His wish eventually came true
  8. Only because He is an outsider can he afford the costly fee insiders could never afford no matter how hard they work.
  9. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is read out under the shade of my backyard tree. There, I have a reclining chair and small little side table.
  10. Years ago I picked up a used copy of Thomas Á Kempis’ Imitation of Christ at a second-hand bookstore.