1. Jesus does not put us on trial and make us pay for our own sin, but he, himself, is put on trial in our place.
  2. The Lord who stood before her seemed reckless in His love. Her sin didn't deter Him. Rather, it was the reason He came.
  3. God doesn’t give us second chances. No one earns another shot at forgiveness. We cannot earn forgiveness, it’s too costly.
  4. Jesus continues to breathe His gifts on His beloved. He continues to breathe absolution upon sinners like me and you, He continues to fill us with the Holy Spirit and all His comfort.
  5. As we stand before our Lord dead in our transgressions and guilt, Jesus pronounces His judgment upon us. He absolves us.
  6. The wound on my hand would not let me forget what happened. The crackled and blistered strip of skin was a memento of the searing pain I felt that day. For the remainder of that year, I was constantly reminded of what I had done.