1. The side of God he has made known to us is Jesus. He is the one and only revelation of the Father, the one and only revelation we need.
  2. He holds you tight and loves you even as you weep and fight in his arms. His Son suffers alongside you as your brother in the flesh.
  3. We need pastors who carry that same concealed weapon in their mouths, who are outfitted with the same word the angels have: the word steeped in divine blood, shed for you. That is all we need, for the word does it all.
  4. One thing is for certain: my day was heaven compared to his. My minor headaches nothing compared to whatever he was going through.
  5. There is no pain like the pain of being mistreated by those who, above all others, you expect to love you unconditionally.
  6. What we see in the face of this God is not a loathing expression. We find the face of a compassionate man who knew all about shame himself.
  7. Faith does not require that we always Hoorah what the Lord does. God wants children, not brown-nosers.
  8. If even your family has disowned and discarded you; yes, if every single person in this world regards you as a hopeless, embarrassing failure at life, the Father of all mercies does not.
  9. For many, there are days when they’re as excited about going to work on Sunday morning as you are about going to work on Monday morning.
  10. I looked up at the cross and saw what God had become to bring me home. He had become what I was.
  11. When you see a cross, you see the smile of your Father. He’s not mad at you. He’s overjoyed that you’re his daughter.
  12. They may also be fellow sufferers who’ve hit their own bottom with you. Whoever they are, they wear the mask of Jesus the crucified. In them and through them the Lord is at work to love you.

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