1. The season of Lent gives almost unparalleled opportunity for preachers to placard before their auditors the Cross of Christ and beckon Christians to take up their cross and follow Him.
  2. While God may and does test one’s faith and life, yet He does not tempt with sin.
  3. Because we have this hope and calling, we must speak boldly and plainly; no veil, no shiny veneer, just the truth about God nailed to a tree.
  4. Saint Paul recognizes the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus is how the Spirit of God translates people from death and darkness to life and light.
  5. This Spirit of love permits no Christian to exercise their freedom at the expense of another Christian still troubled by old associations.
  6. Because this life is transient and we already live in the new and eternal age restored in Christ (at least in part), our preoccupations are different to those bound to this world and life.
  7. What does being free from sin, which is obviously a good thing, have to do with being free from the Law, which sounds dangerous?
  8. Here is Paul’s repacking of the Christmas gift in terms of the personal and corporate implications of God so loving the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
  9. The incarnate Son of God makes ordinary events extraordinary by making them events that factor into our salvation.
  10. Why is it important for us to confess and remember the virgin birth? It is important because of its place within the total story of redemption.

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