1. The Holy Spirit gathers us together and keeps the church in the true faith, and He does it all by way of the Gospel.
  2. In the midst of our suffering, grief, and distress, David gives us words to confess.
  3. In Christ, the new and better David, we are redeemed from our lame condition of sin
  4. Our enoughness before God cannot be earned by our piety or bestowed by our neighbor. Our righteousness and our justification come from Christ and His work for us
  5. Our sin marked Christ. Jesus was marked with the scars of nails and a spear for us. His hands, feet, and side are marked with scars displaying the cost of our redemption.
  6. Our sinful nature is ever present this side of eternity. We need a constant reminder of what a friend of mine once said, “Jesus is the reason. Period."
  7. God’s name is no different. It, too, carries power. The power of a promise only God can make.
  8. It’s been my experience that All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1st and observed on the first Sunday following, gets overshadowed by the celebration of Reformation Day.
  9. What makes a meal more than food? We all have important meals in our lives; birthday meals; anniversary meals; traditional holiday meals.
  10. We aggrandize time. It certainly possesses power over us. It irreversibly moves us in one direction and can’t be replayed to different ends.