1. If there’s a time of year to grasp the significance of this number, it’s now. Because the birth of Jesus casts light on the dark meaning of 666. And, most importantly, the birth of God’s Son is the death of that number’s power over us.
  2. As the church gathers in worship, however, different words reverberate in readings, hymns, and homilies. These words beckon us to get dirty.
  3. There’s no watch on the Lord’s wrist. No iPhone in the back pocket of his blue jeans. He did create time; it was his idea. But for him “the right time” is never our time. From our perspective, he’s either way too early or—more usually—way too late.
  4. As we enter into this year’s Advent season, this blog is a part of our series on the hope we find in, through and given by Christ, Each week’s installment will look at hope from a different perspective with special emphasis on corresponding passages of Scripture.
  5. Let’s take a walk together. And as we do, I’ll tell you a mystery.
  6. God’s telling a joke. And after we’re done laughing at this silly divinity, we realize that the true joke is on us.
  7. No one twisted Jesus’s arm to make him enter Mary’s womb. No one tricked him into being born into a world strung out on the meth of sin. He came in with his eyes wide open.
  8. This coming Sunday churches around the world will celebrate the big, splashy day of Pentecost. As well they should.
  9. This is the night from when all those nights receive their light. For this is the night when Christ, the Life arose from the dead.
  10. If he was not flesh, who was hung on the cross? And if he was not God, who shook the earth from its foundations?
  11. The dragon who failed to devour the child in the manger swallows the man atop the cross. In so doing, unbeknownst to this beast, he ate poison.
  12. The church cannot stop singing of the joy of the Incarnation. Here is another hymn to add to the long list of poetry focused on Emmanuel.

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