Old Testament: Genesis 11:1-9 (Pentecost Sunday: Series C)
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is poured out and the language of man is united again for the Gospel to be preached to the ends of the earth. -
Old Testament: Genesis 12:1-9 (Lent 2: Series A)
The Church is called to be counter-cultural, to stand out in order that the world might see and hear the truth and be brought into the Kingdom. -
Old Testament: Genesis 15:1-6 (Pentecost 9: Series C)
We want to control things and we desire to partner with God in all manner of things, but of course, the LORD is in control. He takes care of things and He does not need our help in these matters. -
Old Testament: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 (Lent 2: Series B)
The Church has traditionally understood Baptism as a naming Sacrament. It reminds us of our new baptismal identity. -
Old Testament: Genesis 18: (17-19) 20-33 (Pentecost 7: Series C)
God is in control, but God is also in relationship with His children and asks us to pray, to lament, and to ask Him to change His mind as we participate as the Bride with our Bridegroom. -
Old Testament: Genesis 18:1-10a (10b-14) (Pentecost 6: Series C)
We can see this as a foreshadowing of how the LORD always comes to His people—the people do not come to Him. So, it is God who sent His Son to us, His Promised One, up close and personal.
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