For You


Sammy, Sammy, Sammy . . . sigh

July 19, 2024 | By Craig Donofrio, Troy Neujahr
You know what the most amazing thing about the story of Samson is?

Oh Samson, honey, no. Just . . . NO

July 17, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Well, it appears Samson didn't learn his lesson after all.

There's gotta be an easier way to burn a field

July 5, 2024 | By Craig Donofrio, Troy Neujahr
Once again, Samson feels he's been wronged.

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Gut honey

June 28, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
So, how many ways can Samson violate his Naziritic vows (that's a question, Samson, not a challenge!)?

The Angel of the Lord, "this woman," and the promised child

June 24, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
The beginnings of Samson the Nazirite and his vows.

Jephthah, the bomb in Gilead

June 15, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
As Craig and Troy continue through the book of Judges, we encounter Jephthah. Did God raise him up, or was he raised up by men?

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Gideon: It's complicated

June 7, 2024 | By Craig Donofrio, Troy Neujahr
Gideon swears that none but God will be the leader of Israel, and then immediately becomes a tyrant.

I dreamed a dream of the 300

May 31, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
God always seems to work through that which is least likely to work, so that all glory is ascribed to Him.

Fleecing God

May 24, 2024 | By Craig Donofrio, Troy Neujahr
Gideon accepts the call of the Lord whole-heartedly . . . well actually no.

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Sisera's splitting headache

May 10, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
The story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael is interesting and complicated.

Gideon . . . mighty man of valor??

May 10, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
The Lord calls Gideon while he is hiding out in a winepress for fear of the Midianites.

"Hey! Gimme back my sword!"

April 26, 2024 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
" . . . ohhhh . . . on second thought, go ahead and keep it." Craig and Troy start to work through the Judges.

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