Chad Bird - Birmingham, MI

Chad Bird - Birmingham, MI

God's Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary Men

calendarEvent Date

March 18 - 19, 2021

07:00 AM


Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, West 14 Mile Road, Birmingham, Oakland County, Michigan, 48025, United States

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About Event

Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Birmingham, MI is hosting several gatherings at which Chad Bird will be speaking.

Friday evening, March 19, 2021 Chad will present a congregational workshop on the topic Reading the New Testament Like a Rabbi: How the Old Testament and Early Jewish Writings Help Us Understand the Gospels.

On Saturday, March 20, 2021. The men of Our Shepherd Lutheran will gather to hear Chad address the subject God's Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary Men.

To read the biblical story is to read of the God whose extraordinary grace pursues ordinary people who struggled with personal failures, family problems, loneliness, and a long list of other weaknesses and challenges. Their stories are still our stories today. And their God is still our God. We will immerse ourselves in these biblical narratives to better understand who we are, who our Savior is, and how the Old Testament continues to testify to the Lord of mercy.

Please contact the church directly for more detailed information about both events.

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Keynote Speaker

Chad Bird

Chad Bird

Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master's degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including The Christ Key & Limping with God.