Shielded by Blood

Reading Time: 1 min

Behold the seemingly foolish ways of our wise God. He bids us embrace what appears impossible: that blood alone is our defense, that blood alone saves us from destruction, that the blood of a lamb is more than enough.

If the lead is going to be flying, I want the thickest flak jacket money can buy. If missiles are on the way, I want to climb into the deepest bunker man can dig. Spare no expense, leave nothing to chance.

In life-and-death moments, the last thing we need is a veneer of protection that’s as fatal as it is flimsy.

Yet there stands Moses, telling us Israelites to hide from the sword-wielding angel of death shielded only by a swath of lamb’s blood painted on the doorposts of our houses.

It’s like asking us to wear a crimson T-shirt to shield us from the atomic bomb.

Yet he does. Select a year-old lamb, keep it four days, sacrifice it at twilight, roast and eat its meat, and paint the doorposts and lintels of your home with its blood. God says, "I will see the blood and I will pass over your homes."

God and blood, they go hand-in-glove.

Behold the seemingly foolish ways of our wise God. He bids us embrace what appears impossible: that blood alone is our defense, that blood alone saves us from destruction, that the blood of a lamb is more than enough.

For it is. It is when Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, is selected, kept 33 years, sacrificed in darkness, and his blood painted upon our lips and heart and soul.

Christ our Passover is sacrificed. The Lord passes over us. We are spared by the blood of the Lamb.