Daniel van Voorhis

Daniel van Voorhis

Family Camp

calendarEvent Date

June 26 - 30, 2023

09:00 AM


800 Mount Carmel Drive NE

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About Event

Mount Carmel Ministries Camp has invited Dr. Daniel van Voorhis to be the main speaker for the June 26-30 week of Family Camp.    Registration is necessary.

Please visit the camp's website to make your reservations.

Keynote Speaker

Dan van Voorhis

Dan van Voorhis

Dan van Voorhis is an author, historian, professor, and speaker at 1517. After receiving his Ph.D. in History from the University of St. Andrews, Dr. van Voorhis spent 11 years teaching history and political thought at Concordia University, Irvine. He is a Scholar-in-Residence at 1517 and the host of the daily podcast The Christian History Almanac. Dan is married to Beth Anne, and they have two sons, Coert and Raymond.