1. The God Who Stole Christmas. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss Christmas Eve and Christmas Day readings, prayers, hymns, and traditions. We also have a lot of fun jesting and critiquing time-held hymns and traditions. We talk translations, history, worship, and why Christmas is the best time to embrace the enchanting absurdity of Jesus — the God-in-the-flesh, who’s come to be a Light in the darkness, a shield against sin, the world and the devil, and the Door opened and welcoming us into eternal life.
  2. Ted Just Admit It! He’s Always Been The Lamb. In this episode, we discuss Irenaeus’ Proof of Apostolic Preaching and what he has to say to those who make a show of faith but deny the incarnation of the Son according to the witness of Scripture.
  3. Divide by Two, but Add by One. In this episode, we discuss Nestorius’ sermon on whether Mary was Theotokos or not and what happens when one tries to comment on the two natures of God using Greek philosophy to exegete Scripture.
  4. God Has No Skin in The Game? In this episode, we discuss Tertullian’s argument against Marcion about God’s being born flesh and blood in his treatise, On The Flesh of Christ. What’s at stake when well-meaning Christians disembody God and, consequently, Christians?
  5. Christmas-time is the bold proclamation that God was born to save sinners.
  6. People do not seek the gospel because they want to, but because God’s Word drives them to it.
  7. At Christmas, we hear the story of our salvation, but it’s not pretty.
  8. Most days, we're not okay. We're not good enough, strong enough, or "Christian" enough.
  9. Jesus isn't just "the reason for the season." He's the reason we don't have to cross off "spiritually bankrupt," "mentally compromised," and "physically vulnerable" from our Christmas list.
  10. The real question we must ask about God’s will isn’t, “God, command us according to your will and we’ll do it,” but, “God, what are you willing to do for us who can’t do what you command?”
  11. I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger. Gillespie and Riley again read and discuss C.S. Lewis' The Joyful Christian. This episode, the Incarnation. Do we go far enough with Jesus' incarnation, to where He wants us to go with him?
  12. It’s inconceivable! Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Robert Capon’s “The Mystery of Christ... and why we don’t get it.” Faith, works, and more Christian absurdity.

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